Update Released

Update Released

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Procreate, the popular digital art app, is set to receive a significant update that will bring a host of exciting features and performance enhancements. Here are some of the key changes to look forward to:

  • Introducing a new AI-powered brush engine, allowing artists to create more realistic and dynamic strokes.
  • Improved layer management with the addition of layer groups, making it easier to organize and manipulate complex artwork.
  • Enhanced selection tools with advanced masking capabilities, enabling precise and effortless selections.
  • Revamped color picker, including a customizable swatch library and real-time color harmony suggestions.
  • Streamlined interface with customizable gestures and shortcuts, providing a more personalized and efficient workflow.
  • Optimized performance and stability, ensuring a smooth and responsive experience even when working on large canvases.

These updates are just a glimpse of what's to come in the next version of Procreate. Stay tuned for more information and get ready to take your digital art to new heights.